Stephen Coyne Photography
that have
See my panel of photographs for the Distinction of the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain (DPAGB) on my
About page

Gold Medal (Mono) Great Western Photographic Exhibition

Gold Medal (Landscape) at Robin Hood Open Exhibition BPE Medal at Vale of Evesham CC Exhibition Commended - Basingstoke CC Annual BPE Exhibition Commended - Shrewsbury Open Exhibition Gold Medal - Southport Photographic Society National Exhibition

BPE Ribbon at the South Birmingham PS Salon

Highly Commended Great Western Photographic Exhibition

Overall Best Image: Neath & District PS UK Salon PAGB Gold medal: Neath & District PS UK Salon

Highly Commended in the Rushden and District Photographic Society Open Photographic Exhibition

Commended - Frome Salon of Photography (FSoP19)

PAGB Ribbon - Vale of Evesham Annual Exhibition

Winner in Landscape section - Amateur Photographer's Photographer of the Year Competition